How Vanessa was able to turn an idea into a coaching business that made $76,990 in the first 30 days of launching.
Please note that all testimonials shared here are based on the genuine feedback of our customers. The outcomes depicted here are unique and not to be considered as common or expected. The success stories shared do not imply you will achieve the same or similar results. Factors such as personal abilities, dedication, and external conditions play a significant role in your overall success. Your individual achievements may differ.
Vanessa's Instagram:
What does your company do?
We work with business owners and entrepreneurs to integrate AI into their businesses to save time, money, and increase overall efficiency by using cunning edge AI technology and automations.
Where were you before working with TD Coach?
Before working with Chris and TD Coach I just had an idea about making a coaching business. I was working to implement AI into my own businesses to stay ahead of my competitors. Many of the coaching masterminds I was a part of kept asking me to present about what I was doing to get more done in less time and for less money. Through these presentations, I also had a lot of people asking me how I would implement AI into my business. I'd recommend that they check out ChatGPT and to do some research. I was already so busy with my other businesses that I couldn't justify taking time to help show these people how to implement AI.
How did you find TD Coach, and what made you decide to work with us?
Chris and I are in the same real estate mastermind and have known each other for years. I know that he is constantly learning and implementing the newest technology and we've had many conversations about AI implementation into our businesses. Aside from our shared experience of real estate investing, I know that Chris is an expert in systems, automations and making coaching businesses. As I considered coaching others about AI implementation I approached Chris for guidance. After having a few conversations I knew that hI'm and his team at TD Coach were the people that would make this idea become a reality so I decided to move forward with them.
What did you immediately recognize that needed fixing inside your business?
I had no clue where to even start. How do I organize the information? How do I deliver the classes? How do I enroll people? I didn't know what I didn't know and knew that I needed Chris and his team's help and guidance to create the business. I had the knowledge about AI, but when it came to the coaching business I was lost.
What were some big wins that occurred inside your business once we identified these problems?
Chris and his team provided clarity with the clear step by step path that I needed to do in order to make this coaching business become a reality. There are a lot of things that need to get done which led me to become a bit overwhelmed, especially when still running my other businesses, but Chris and his team help significantly to remove this overwhelm and helped me focus on one step at a time to build the business.
What are some “Before & After” results in tangible metrics you experienced in your business from working with us?
Chris and his team helped me establish a clear program and offer, built all my backend systems from my client membership area (where the content would be stored), a sales pipeline to organize all prospects and sales, a delivery pipeline to track client progress, and every other small detail needed to launch the business. Within the first 30 days of launching we were able to sell and collect $76,990.
What would you say to someone considering working with TD Coach?
DO IT! Chris and his team helped me turn this idea of a coaching business into a reality. People would always talk about how lucrative and fulfilling a coaching business could be but I never understood fully until I started working with Chris and TD Coach. Not only did they help me build everything and make $76k in my first 30 days, they have also helped me build systems and hire people so that it doesn't take a lot of time from me to run the business. If you have questions or are not sure, just hop on the call and talk with the team and they will be able to give you advice on the best next steps. Thank you Chris and your entire team for all that you've done for me.
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